

Monday, April 8, 2013

Ericsson will buy Mediaroom TV software by Microsoft

Ericsson is all set to buy Microsoft’s Mediaroom TV software. However, the details of the agreement have not been made public. That is why it is not known exactly how much the Swedish company will be paying Microsoft. Microsoft’s Mediaroom TV software supports the AT&T’s U-Verse TV service.
Microsoft’s software allows the phone services to provide TV services over the phone exactly like the ones one gets through cable-TV. There is a widespread use of this software which is used in the set top boxes. As many as 22 million users are currently availing of the services from the software.
The reason for Ericsson to have a go at the Microsoft’s software is because it corresponds with the TV products the company has. The business is currently located at California.
There are more than 11 million households that use the set top boxes and the Mediaroom software. Out of these slightly less than half of these are handled by U-Verse. A couple of prominent organizations that use this software are Telus Communications and Deutsche Telekom.


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