

Friday, October 26, 2012

iPhone 5 to hit Indian markets on November 2

After making millions of sales all over, Apple’s iPhone 5 is all set to make a grand entry in the Indian markets come next Friday. On November 2, the Apple gadget will be up for sale in retail stores in India. Are you interested in buying the device? Well, you will still have to wait for some more days.
But the wait is not until the phone launches. It is about the price tag. Apple has not yet made it public as to what price the phone will be sold for the Indian customers. So until the price tag is finalized, which will soon be, there is nothing one can decide about the iPhone 5 – to buy or not.
But as the craze for the Apple products is so high, there should not be a problem for the customers going for the iPhone 5. The two official Apple distributors in India – Ingram Micro and Redington India will be supplying the phones to various retailers all over the country.
40 cities across India will see the launch of the iPhone 5. The phone that Apple has built on an A6 chip is twice faster than the A5 chip, which came in the last version of the iphone.

Related Article: Apple iPhone 5 prices


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