

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

BlackBerry Z10 not so fine to pose threat to Google and Apple

After a long wait, the BlackBerry Smartphones are finally out. However, for some people, there is not much to cheer about the phone. On the other hand, some people have appreciated the Smartphone. In short, there is a mixed bag for this BlackBerry Smartphone.
According to the analysts, the phone does have good looks. But, it is not really strong enough to pose any kind of threat to the devices that run on Google’s Android as well as the iPhones.
The BlackBerry Z10 has been said to be one last chance and the popular phrase associated with this launch is “make or break”. But the efforts on the part of the company might prove to be futile as they have come too late.
Though there is the OS that has been well appreciated, as well as a fresh new user interface, in the days of ever changing technology, BlackBerry certainly has been a latecomer.
Will BlackBerry be able to catch up with its other competitors? Only time will tell.


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