

Monday, March 25, 2013

Yahoo! buys Mobile app Summly from British teenager

Nick D'Aloisio is the young teenager from England who developed a mobile app called Summly. Yahoo! has shown interest in buying the app from the teenager, which will now make him a millionaire hands down. He has already announced that he will be selling the mobile app to Yahoo!
The deal is expected to run in thousands of millions of dollars. However, the exact price of the app hasn't been announced or disclosed. What the app does is that it aptly makes a summary of the news and other stories from the media web sites on the internet.
With this invention, it will be possible to read the news on the small screen of phones and Smartphones. The app squeezes the information and that makes it possible for the users to scroll through the info faster.
Nick is just 17 years old, but he has found a place amongst the top entrepreneurs of the world at such a tender age. As a matter of fact, he had been working on this app for 2 years now and this is now that the app has materialized.


Abhijit Bangal said...

Yes, you are right. The talent mostly lies in the hidden state and there is hardly anyone ready to explore such new talent unless it is exceptional and genius.

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